About Tim Allen

Business Owner. Benefits Consultant. Insurance Agent. Father. Sunday School Teacher. Chef. (Chef? Yes, Chef.) Coach. Speaker. Leader. Trainer. Husband. Inventor. Writer. Now, Blogger.

People who do any of these things always have something to say.

I have something to say, and I do all of these things.

My passion is business. Yours, mine, it makes no difference to me. Small business owners have the heaviest yoke to bear, especially these days. We must learn from each other, and fight the fight together. I am not here to argue the politics of it all, just the realities. No one should go it alone.

Check in with me here to read the latest of my personal musings as well as shared business news and tips. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it professional. Feel free to comment, ask questions, or suggest topics of discussion. I will do my best to share my perspective and original content. Connect with me on LinkedIn (click below on the LinkedIn button) for more information.

Tim Allen

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